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每年《酒店技术报告》raybet雷竞技ios下载都会调查数千名业内人士,以找到全球最好的酒店技术工作和雇主。2020年,新冠病毒-19大流行对酒店业造成了严重破坏;世界旅游和旅游理事会预测,2020年,全球3.3亿个与旅游业相关的工作岗位中,将有1.21亿个流失;尽管存在挑战,但酒店及其供应商通过合作,在面对酒店业有史以来最大的挑战时表现出了韧性。但也存在一些问题;危机中总有机会;据大多数专家称,该流行病至少将全球经济的数字化进程提前了5年;自从流感大流行爆发以来,已经采用非接触式值机和宾客信息软件等技术的酒店已经拥有了巨大的优势,而技术对于成功经营酒店业务的重要性在未来几年将继续上升,这意味着对酒店技术人才的需求将随之增长。在《酒店技术报告》中,我们;我采访了无数酒店经营者,讲述了他们从酒店经营者到利润丰厚的技术职业生涯的历程,如德尔·罗斯、马可·本维努蒂、萨米尔·乌马尔和凯文·布朗。对于休假的酒店经营者来说,有一个前所未有的机会,可以利用酒店经验中的技能和知识,转向技术职业 ;但是你应该向哪家酒店科技公司申请呢?每年,我们都会为您做艰苦的工作,调查数千名酒店技术专业人员,以找到酒店业中最好的公司。我们要求受访者就以下关键变量对其雇主进行1-10级评分:;工作与生活平衡个人发展机会两性平等对公司方向价值观的信心2021年奖金问题:为公司评级;s COVD-19《危机应对酒店技术报告》每年都会创建此列表,原因有两个:(1)帮助行业专业人士找到最好的酒店技术工作;(2)帮助酒店技术买家了解这一点;与优秀的组织合作与寻找优秀的软件工具和产品同样重要。供应商文化对供应商关系的各个方面都很重要:产品:优秀的工作场所吸引生产最佳产品的最佳人才客户支持:快乐的客户代表提供更好的服务,并在公司逗留更长时间,发展更深入的关系。销售:当销售团队的营业额较高时,创新就会受到扼杀,因为没有;没有足够的现金来投资创新。我们的10个酒店最佳工作场所技术列表列出了为员工营造美好工作环境的公司;作为回报,这些员工为客户提供令人难以置信的产品和服务。没有进一步的告别,这里是2021年;酒店科技与hellip的10个最佳工作场所  ;10Siteminder(TIE)就在冠状病毒大流行爆发之前,行业领导者Siteminder实现了一个令人难以置信的里程碑,赢得了独角兽的地位;在首席执行官桑卡尔·纳拉扬(Sankar Narayan)的领导下,该公司在疫情爆发时迅速镇定下来,并开始推出支持员工和客户的举措,如世界酒店指数(World Hotel Index),在历史数据无法提供的情况下与行业共享实时数据;不要削减它;Siteminder有一个名为#stayingsocial的内部松弛频道,专门为在远程工作时代拥有社交空间的团队成员提供服务;这对于一家小型初创公司来说非常典型,但在拥有700名员工的大型企业中,这一点要难得多;在Siteminder这样的大型初创公司工作的最大好处在于:;据一位在公司运营部门工作的员工说,这几乎是无限的向上流动;它们让我有机会承担更多甚至超出我能力范围的责任,发展我的技能,为我担任更大的角色做好准备。他们还提供领导力培训,以增强我的能力,从而继续发展我的能力。” ;如果您;We’我们正在寻找一家快节奏的全球初创公司,走一条称霸世界的道路——那么你绝对应该在Siteminder投下一份简历;最好的部分是他们;我们在世界各地都设有办事处,因此即使您更喜欢WFH生活,您的同事也不应如此;无论你在哪里打电话回家,都不要离得太远  ;10雾化(打结)这是雾化;第一次制作酒店技术报告;s年度最佳工作地点列表,但我们怀疑这是否是他们的最后一个;以真正的瑞典时尚,其领导团队中男女比例为50%,在两性平等排行榜上名列前茅;雾化在文化一致性方面的得分也非常高,为97.8%;也许Atomize最大的突出之处在于员工对公司的评价有多高;s在危机期间对客户的新冠病毒-19响应和支持“曾经yone from finance to product development has chipped in to try to support clients. We have for instance developed a relief-program for those that are hurting really bad, we have updated the product to amend for the large drop in occupancy for hotels, etc,” one Atomize executive told Hotel Tech Report.  Atomize made it through COVID-19 without a single layoff which is a testament to the longevity of the business and its and commitment to team members.  During the crisis Atomize stayed calm, launched the 2.0 version of their core RMS product, and even found time to bring the team together for a BBQ this summer during a slow down in transmission rates.     9. Hotel Effectiveness Georgia (the U.S. state not the country) based Hotel Effectiveness is in the business of helping hotel owners more efficiently manage labor but the question is: how well do they manage their own labor? It turns out they do a pretty darned good job at fostering internal culture.  Prior to the pandemic labor costs were the biggest focus area for most hotel ownership and management groups - despite the shift in focus Hotel Effectiveness managed to grow through the pandemic all while placing a heavy emphasis on quality of life for employees.  Team members cite a high percentage of employees being groomed from junior roles into leadership positions, flexible PTO programs, and strong opportunities for women.  PTO is great but Hotel Effectiveness management goes one step further where they encourage team members to completely unplug and not even check email during their vacation.  Adding icing to the cake, employees raved about the firm’s response to COVID-19 where it was able to grow without any layoffs needed.  One engineer raved about the Company’s COVID-19 response, “Hotel Effectiveness immediately shifted priorities specifically to address the changing needs of our clients. Hotel Effectiveness provided new guidance materials, payment options, and built new features (such as Daily Wellness Check-In) under tight deadlines to meet the new needs of our customers.”     8. EasyWay Big congrats to the first-ever Israeli startup to make this list!  If you’ve ever been to Tel Aviv or the Start-up Nation (Israel), perhaps a job interview with EasyWay is the excuse you needed to visit one of the most amazing cities in the world packed with beautiful beaches, vibrant nightlife, and a foodie scene that’s truly in a league of its own.  EasyWay is the quintessential startup with a mentality that so long as you hit your KPIs - the rest of your life is totally flexible.  An EasyWay executive’s quote to Hotel Tech Report about the last 12-months at the company says it all, “The work around the clock in the COVID-19 time was crazy.  We have developed so much stuff, that I almost miss this period. We've learned a lot from that, and staid on our feet! The rest of the team was great and it really gave me confidence in my own abilities.  If you're the kind of person who likes to work hard and play hard - you’d be wise to check out EasyWay’s open positions.      7. Asksuite This is Asksuite’s second year making the list and true to their commercial team’s motto “rockets don’t have reverse”, even a pandemic couldn’t slow down this high flying Brazilian startup.  Florianopolis may not be a hotel tech hub (yet) but the Asksuite team has access to lessons in language, hospitality and other training to upskill their way into global domination.  During the pandemic, leaders have made themselves available for 1:1 meetings to support all colleagues and perhaps it’s this close communication that leads Asksuite employees to rate 98% confidence in the future success of the firm.  Asksuite employees frequently cite an onboarding process that makes all team members feel like a part of the family in short order.     6. RoomRaccoon Despite the pandemic RoomRaccoon doubled the firm’s headcount in 2020 and achieved a major milestone in reaching 1,000 clients.  Employees frequently cite similar aspects of the culture as differentiators like their annual international week at the Netherlands headquarters and an inclusive onboarding program.  One employee within the marketing department told Hotel Tech Report, “This year RoomRaccoon decided to start hiring more new colleagues against the market trend of furlough and letting people go. To smoothen the onboarding process of our new hires we've created an E-learning program and two intensive onboarding weeks. So far we've onboarded 15 new hires since July 2020 that immediately are getting results. Something I'm really proud of!”  If you’re looking for an ambitious organization with a strong remote culture and complementary annual trips to the Netherlands - don’t hesitate and check out open listings at RoomRaccoon.     5. Alliants The Alliants story is the cure to the common venture funded business gone wrong story.  Alliants built the business developing custom software for ultra luxury hotel brands like Four Season and Jumeirah before ever dipping their toes into the SaaS world.  That means they’ve got killer products, an eye for design and engineering to back it up.  Starting in a consultative role for luxury brands has afforded Alliants a luxury not many early stage SaaS products have - cash flow.  How would this impact you when you apply for a role there?  Alliants employees are given a $5,000 stipend to invest in their own education and training.  Whether it’s a paid marketing course or intro to Ruby on Rails - at Alliants you will be able to create your own journey and take control of your destiny.  Have you ever had a boss block your calendar so people can’t book meetings with you? Well, Alliants employees have.  During winter months with less daylight, CEO Tristan Gadsby blocked the entire team’s calendars from 11:30am - 1:30pm to encourage team members to get outside, walk or simply catch some rays.  If that doesn’t sell you I don’t know what will.     4. ALICE This ain’t ALICE’s first rodeo, well it’s their fourth if we want to be precise about it.  ALICE has made Hotel Tech Report’s Best Places to Work list 4 years in a row (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021).  ALICE is an incredible place to work for former hoteliers because employees truly act as a strategic extension of their partner properties.  During the pandemic, ALICE quickly pivoted to rollout closure checklists and other free assets to help partners quickly reconfigure their operations for the new normal.  “The most memorable achievement while working at ALICE this past year was being able to provide support for our employees during the pandemic. The pandemic-related fatigue and anxiety impacted everyone and in different ways. We were able to provide support to our employees through group therapy sessions, health and wellness initiatives, increased one-on-one check-ins regarding fatigue, increased opportunities for learning and connection with one another virtually. I am so proud of how the leadership at ALICE has led us through the most difficult time in our industry's history, and with such care for both our customers, our industry as a whole, and our employees,” says one ALICE team member in an HR role.  Just as important as supporting clients through COVID-19 is supporting colleagues.  ALICE team members were constantly comforted that management understood the stress and challenges they were facing during this historic yet tragic year, encouraging an environment of transparency and honesty about how to cope with natural distractions from work in times of stress.     3. hotelkit Austria-based hotelkit is another repeat visitor on this list moving up from 4th to 3rd place.  Founded in 2012 by hotelier Marius Donhauser, hotelkit is a majority female-run business that’s growing rapidly but responsibly throughout Europe.  hotelkit’s team motto is “one team one dream” and while the team had to work remotely for a good portion of the year, colleagues are hopeful that 2021 will bring back the annual hotelkit Christmas party famous for great eats and poker.  Under Marius’ leadership, hotelkit has fostered a culture that feels like family so it’s no wonder that employees rate the culture so highly across every single vector.     2. Cloudbeds Cloudbeds may be the fastest-growing hotel tech company right now so while their headquarters are in sunny San Diego the Company has got Silicon Valley energy pumping through its veins.  Not to mention, Cloudbeds is extremely global with local managers in 40 countries. On March 11th (yes that’s right when COVID-19 took the world by storm) Cloudbeds announced the closing of an $80M funding round.  Cloudbeds employees tend to share two main things in common: (1) they are extremely performance-driven and (2) they LOVE to travel. One Cloudbeds employee within the operations department told Hotel Tech Report, “I managed to get promoted on my 1 anniversary day at Cloudbeds, I was so happy and everyone was so attentive to me during this process. Cloudbeds is an amazing company, full of amazing individuals, it's so nice to see the owners in our calls and engaged with us all at all times. I used to think I had worked at good companies, till I met Cloudbeds. This is where I want to stay and grow. It will be hard for any other company to take me from here.”  Cloudbeds has TONS of openings so make sure to browse their career page if you’re in the market.     1. Mews This is Mews’ 3rd year making the list ranking #2 in 2019 and #3 in 2020 - but this is their first year topping the list which is a testament to the strong culture at the firm.  Like most fast-growing companies, the pandemic wreaked havoc on projections and business plans for Mews leading to some difficult decisions needing to be made.  Mews not only came through what was maybe the darkest moment in the history of the hotel industry but came out stronger than ever before.  Mews leadership set a strong course for the business cutting expenses, reorganizing the team, rebranding, focusing on remote deployments, and even making an acquisition.  Quite a busy year - even if things had been normal.  Mews management has created one of those infectious startup cultures that can almost feel cult-like at times often intoxicating entire trade show floors (pre-COVID).  It’s not often that employees at an aggressive high-performance tier 1 venture-backed business get to see their founder dancing through a town hall (affectionately named Mews Con) in a silly costume.  Mews pivoted from hyper-growth mode into a sharp focus on profitability right-sizing the business and is poised to come out of the pandemic far stronger than it went in.  Lots of open roles to check out and we’re sure that list will continue to grow over the coming months.  


Cloudbeds, SiteMinder和Room Raccoon荣获2021年HotelTechAwards最佳人民选择奖


《酒店科技报告》每年都会在年度人民选择奖中评选出十大最以客户为中心的全球公司,同时还会评选出每个类别中排名最高的酒店软件。raybet雷竞技ios下载人民选择奖旨在表彰和表彰那些在强劲增长和以客户为中心的不懈关注之间取得平衡的公司。HotelTechAwards平台(由HotelTech Reporaybet雷竞技ios下载rt提供)利用真实的客户数据来确定最佳品种的产品和公司,帮助酒店经营者提高他们的底线。“人物选择奖”颁给在HotelTechAwards酒店管理大奖期间表现出最强客户关系的所有类别的单一公司。在全球大流行期间,有超过550名酒店客户出来分享了对Cloudbeds产品的积极反馈。在酒店历史上最具挑战性的市场中,获得客户的这种支持,说明了你所需要知道的一切;对伴侣财产的承诺;《酒店科技raybet雷竞技ios下载报告》首席执行官乔丹·霍兰德说道。决定年度《人物选择奖》评选结果的关键因素包括经过验证的客户评论总量、评论的地域范围以及总体评论情绪和评级。最好的公司都知道,传达他们的价值主张的最有效的方式是让他们的快乐客户发出并放大他们的声音。 The People’s Choice Award recognizes companies whose customers really value the relationship and partnership. “Twenty years ago we lived in a world where hoteliers just used one of the three or four technology systems out there and typically just ended up using whatever system they had heard of before.  Today there are thousands of SaaS choices in the market and dozens of great options available for most use cases but the market is moving so quickly that it’s hard for hoteliers to identify and keep track of the best products and companies.  This award honors the companies whose hotel customers are the most vocal advocates of their products to make that process easy,” says Hollander.   About the 2021 People's Choice Award The People's Choice Awards serve to honor and recognize companies who have balanced strong growth with a relentless focus on customer-centricity.  Early on as a startup, it’s easier for companies to maintain strong customer relationships with a limited customer base. But as a company grows its install base and scales globally, maintaining high customer satisfaction becomes increasingly more challenging.  Each year along with individual awards for the top-rated product in each category, Hotel Tech Report recognizes the top 10 most customer-centric global companies in the annual People's Choice Awards acknowledging the achievements of top innovators across all categories who embody the values, transparency, and customer-centricity that lie at the core of truly great companies. View Ranking Methodology>>




raybet雷竞技ios下载《酒店技术报告》宣布了2021年HotelTechAwards的获奖者,获奖者的依据是经过验证的酒店经营者在竞赛期间提供的10000多份酒店软件产品评论;根据关键绩效指标(包括产品知名度、客户满意度、集成兼容性、客户支持质量等)选择获胜者;赢得HotelTechAward是酒店技术行业的最高成就“在全球大流行期间,318466名酒店经营者访问了来自全球每个角落的《酒店技术报告》,在3个月的颁奖期内提供了10227份经验证的新产品评论,以分享他们最喜爱的技术产品的见解,从而运营和发展他们的业务;看到这一波酒店业者分享技术见解和产品建议的热潮,令人振奋;《酒店技术报告》首席执行官乔丹·霍兰德说“这是有史以来针对酒店经营者偏好开发的最全面的数据集,在历史的关键时刻,它为酒店的技术趋势提供了前所未有的见解;赢得HotelTechAward是一项巨大的成就,2021年的比赛是有史以来竞争最激烈的一年;这份名单上的每一家公司都应该为他们为酒店业的发展做出的贡献感到无比自豪。”;在HotelTechAwards颁奖典礼期间,来自世界领先酒店公司的酒店经营者将对酒店使用的顶级科技产品进行审查,以提高运营效率、增加收入和改善宾客体验。该数据用于确定最佳酒店技术产品和组织。“HotelTechAwards是业内唯一一个完全透明地以客户为导向的奖项,是酒店经营者决定谁是最好的,而他们的意见才是最重要的。”Pegasus首席执行官Gautam Lulla说。“我们SiteMinder坚信开放的本质;开放是我们所主张的核心,HotelTechAwards通过该计划的数据驱动和透明流程,与这一价值观紧密结合。”Sankar Narayan,SiteMinder首席执行官,“这一荣誉具有深刻的个人意义,因为它是由o我们的客户,代表了我们对提供最先进的收入技术和全面支持的热情和专注。“IDeaS的Ravi Mehrotra博士创始人”HotelTechAwards是对任何公司拥有和酒店经营者信任的有力认可标志。我们重视HotelTechAwards流程,该流程收集了数千名客户每年都会收到来自世界各地的大量经验证的评论。“ALICE“HotelTechReport的联合创始人Alex Shashou是酒店行业领先的技术平台,其细致、公正的验证过程使该奖项成为最负盛名的奖项之一。”SuitePad联合创始人莫里茨·冯·彼得多夫·坎本竞争涵盖酒店软件和技术的核心领域:营销、收入、运营和宾客体验。2021年的投票包括来自主要酒店集团的参与,包括四季酒店、希尔顿酒店、万豪酒店、雅高酒店、凯悦酒店、洲际酒店、红木酒店和数千名独立人士。”我们最初创建了HotelTechAwards,作为一种民主化的方式,帮助我们的酒店业同行根据他们可以信任的数据快速确定最佳供应商,今年的竞争范围证明了该行业在过去十年中取得了多大的进步;HotelTechAwards的评级过程简单、透明、公正——评判基于久经考验的排名因素、公开可用的数据以及对每种产品都有亲身体验的经验证酒店经营者的众包见解。”;HotelTechAwards通常被称为“格莱美酒店科技奖”,获奖者是从世界顶级科技产品中选出的。HotelTechAwards是业内唯一一个数据驱动的奖项平台,获奖者不是由少数评委或人气投票决定的,而是由来自127多个国家的数千名经验证的酒店技术用户组成的全球社区决定的 ;最佳酒店软件公司名单>&燃气轮机;




酒店行业首屈一指的云财务和数据管理平台M3与餐饮收入管理软件公司Avero合作,使酒店经营者能够简化餐厅运营,并对其利润产生积极影响。目前,Avero维护了100多个与销售点(POS)、劳动力和工资系统的集成,提供了餐厅分析软件,可以增强M3数据,揭示服务器性能、劳动力和食品成本、收入管理等方面的强大见解。目前,M3整合了酒店市场上众多的物业管理解决方案。Avero&rsquo首席财务长托德·伦德尔(Todd Rendle)说。该合作伙伴关系允许M3将其系统集成扩展到50多个不同的食品和饮料销售点系统,从而提高数据质量和效率,以推动财务业绩。利用avero&B的集成和收益管理软件,M3客户可以运行各种成功的全企业计划,包括通过菜单工程增加利润,减少食品成本和浪费,以及提高服务器性能。M3客户还将能够将其后台办公平台与50多个F&B POS平台集成,包括Aloha、Micros 3700和Hosted Symphony。m3专门的集成团队还专注于积累可操作的数据,以帮助客户提高效率,通过减少手动输入和干预,最大化数据质量,改善客户体验,推动整体财务业绩。M3致力于通过技术推动酒店财务绩效,通过修改软件集成,允许通过电子方式获取PMS以外的额外收入流,M3正在扩展该行业的后台办公功能。3m公司的销售总监斯科特·沃森说。 Marketing Officer. “As M3’s customer base grows and diversifies, we will continue investing in and partnering with solutions like Avero to meet our customers’ specific needs and ensure our solutions consistently deliver to the highest of standards.” Access to Avero’s POS integrations and revenue management software can now be added to any customer subscription by contacting M3. M3’s customer base consists of more than 6,300 hotels, of which, more than half are among the top hotel management companies in the U.S., as ranked by Hotel Business.  




作为一家餐厅的老板或经营者,您经常接到来自新的和现有的餐厅管理软件供应商的电话。无论你是在经营一家独立餐厅还是在酒店内经营一家餐厅,这些电话都是生活中的一个事实。因此,毫不奇怪;很难驾驭餐饮业的技术生态系统和令人困惑的供应商网络,从交钥匙忠诚计划到预防性维护和项目管理,无所不包。这;当如此多的软件都有重叠的功能和相似的特性时,情况尤其如此。你如何区分每一个?您如何构建一个能够增强员工能力、提高生产力和增强客户体验的软件堆栈?It’除了其他事情,还有很多事情需要管理。我们的目标是在混乱中建立一些结构。因此,无论您选择将多个工具打包在一个套件中的主供应商,还是选择与多个供应商定制技术堆栈,此资源都是为您提供的。我们已将其分类,并提出了寻找内容的建议。在为您的运营评估正确的解决方案时,请记住几件事:首先也是最重要的是可靠性。基于云的软件价格合理,功能齐全,但对于任何关键任务,您都可以;如果您失去互联网连接,我们需要一个运营计划。当事情真的恶化时,你需要一个供应商提供及时有效的支持,永远不会让你束手无策。第二,非接触式思考。这种流行病加速了现有的趋势,即减少限制客人和工作人员之间的直接接触。您的技术应该不会妨碍非接触式体验。最后,避免特征爬行。你很容易被你永远不会使用的铃声和口哨声分散注意力。当选择一家为多个行业而不仅仅是餐馆提供解决方案的供应商时,这一点尤其正确;可能有许多不必要的特性。集中注意力!诚实地评估您的运营,部署能够满足您现有需求的技术,同时为您提供增长空间。这可以控制软件成本,并减少对易混淆软件的培训时间;现在,让我们来看看主要事件:这是2021年的餐厅科技生态系统 ;餐厅管理软件类别销售点多渠道订购和付款客人WiFi预订和等待名单后台和库存管理人员日程安排和工资商业智能和分析食品配送餐厅网站忠诚度营销;销售点(餐厅POS系统)每家餐厅都需要POS;it’这是餐厅的心脏肌肉。但所有POS软件都不是;不一样。随着基于云的软件降低了开发成本,市场上充斥着各种选择。他们大多数人都很体面。他们做到了。但好的POS可以带来变革;通过将基本的运营功能与劳动力管理、付款处理和厨房管理集中在一起,您的餐厅可以顺利运营并获得更高的利润。最好的例子是集成库存管理,其中每个订单自动减少库存数量并更新订单。这节省了大量劳动力,减轻了厨房管理的负担。话虽如此,a“全力以赴”POS(也称为“餐厅管理系统”)可能不是您餐厅的最佳解决方案,尤其是如果您选择的POS不适合您的餐厅;我不擅长任何一个特性。最终,您将获得一个销售点,该销售点工作得足够好,但无法提供专注于某个供应商的深入领域专业知识和运营影响。关键是将您的运营与为您的类别提供良好服务的POS供应商相匹配。例如,一家小型独立餐厅可能不想与专门经营大型餐饮集团或酒店的跨国企业集团合作。不仅成本高昂,而且您的;我将是大海中的一条小鱼。It’It’最好找一家能为您提供服务水平和关注运营需求的供应商。寻找:可靠性是最重要的。当POS机停机时,大多数餐馆根本无法正常营业。如果您知道您的互联网连接不可靠,则基于云的POS需要离线模式,以便无论发生什么情况都能保持您的运营;礼品卡可能是POS供应商向您收取过高费用或将您锁定在不太理想的生态系统中的一种偷偷摸摸的方式。确保询问礼品卡是如何处理的,从购买实物卡到兑换费用。礼品卡是增加收入的绝佳选择,所以要避免惊喜  ;集成也是任何POS系统的关键部分。寻找一家在您的运营中与其他技术集成的供应商,以便实现无缝同步,消除从一个系统手动将数据导出到另一个系统的麻烦;最后,像iPads或自助服务亭这样的硬件也可以使用雷电竞app下载官方版苹果s a major consideration.  Think through your guest journey and ensure that your vendor has the proper functionality to operate in your current or future workflows. Vendors to consider: This is the most saturated category of restaurant tech! Crave Interactive recently expanded into restaurants with its contactless experience ServeSafely. InforPOS is ideal for larger operators with multiple revenue centers. Lightspeed POS and TouchBistro are all-in-one solutions. POSLavu is tablet-based, which reduces the upfront cost of installation, and offers a loyalty app with in-store payment and pre-ordering.  OraclePOS specializes in hotel food and beverage operations. Also by Oracle is SimphonyPOS, a MICROS-based POS for restaurants that’s less clunky and more extensible than past legacy systems. Billed as restaurant management systems that do it all, HungerRush includes a delivery module, Toast has a modern look-and-feel and QSR Automations specialized in quick-service restaurants.  Enterprise brands, such as Oracle, have dramatically improved the look and functionality of their restaurant point-of-sale systems.   Multi-Channel Ordering And Payments The restaurant business has expanded beyond on-premise sales. There’s takeout, delivery, gift cards, merchandise, packaged goods and even DIY “cook at home” kits.  And that was before the COVID-19 pandemic put revenue diversification at the top of the priority list.  Since selling across multiple channels insulates your operation from unexpected dips in demand from a single channel, you’ll need software to support multi-channel ordering. You also need the ability to take payments seamlessly across each of your chosen channels. These channels could include your website, text messaging, or messaging apps like Facebook Messenger. Equally important is safety; by offering a digital ordering system, you reduce touchpoints between staff and guests and keep everyone that much safer. Customers can order and pay on any device and your staff can focus more on fulfilling orders rather than answering the phone, swiping cards and handing receipts back and forth. What to look for: Cross-device compatibility. Any device, whether an Android phone or an Apple tablet, should be able to access menus and order easily across all devices. Depending on the size of your operation, a mobile app may be ideal so that you can give a centralized way for customers to interact with each of your locations. Payments should also be easy for customers and staff. Ideally, you want to eliminate the need to take any physical payment for online orders, Some systems offer e-wallets, where customers load money into a dedicated wallet so they don't have to enter payment information for each transaction. E-wallets were popularized by Starbucks, which made it super easy to order on mobile by offering seamless payments and auto-reloads when account balances drop below a certain amount. You also want to think about how people will order. Do you want to let people order via text message? Voice calls? Social media? Or only through your website? Or maybe you want an app for your restaurant to streamline all of these things? Do you need contactless digital menus and tableside ordering via QR code? Make a list of your must-haves and go from there. Vendors to consider: Olo and Tapmango are for bigger companies seeking a platform that can include branded apps, e-wallets, digital ordering and loyalty marketing. Pizza restaurants may find the ideal solution with ThrivePOS while other quick serves use Restolabs and restaurants in the Middle East use EatApp.  Chatfood’s commission-free platform supports ordering on Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook, while ChowNow and Checkmate are popular online ordering systems for restaurants. For on-premise contactless ordering options, Bbot Smart Ordering allows guests to order and pay right from their phones. Most all-in-one POS and restaurant management systems also include multichannel ordering and payments, so check out that category above.   Many restaurant website builders also make it easy for guests to order online (seen here on BentoBox).   Guest WiFi Wi-Fi has become a standard part of the on-premise guest experience. That's doubly true for categories of restaurants that serve a large proportion of work-from-home guests, such as coffee shops and some fast-casual restaurants. “Fast and free” WiFi can earn customer loyalty, better online reviews -- and even free press coverage. With so much bandwidth being consumed, Wi-Fi can also get costly. It’s a balance between guest expectations with the reality of providing fast internet access. One way to mitigate some of this cost is to go with an ad-supported model that requires guests to engage with advertising prior to access.  Another way is to use WiFi as a marketing asset that generates value by providing ongoing engagement opportunities with guests. You could require a sign up with email or social profiles, which can be used for future marketing campaigns. Or you could even ask for a bit more demographic information to build a more robust guest profile. There’s real value and longer-term ROI when this information is added to your POS and loyalty programs. What to look for: There are some serious security implications when offering Wi-Fi to guests. Your back-office systems should be isolated from everything else. There should be an ironclad firewall between both systems to avoid costly and embarrassing breaches of payment data and sensitive guest information held in your POS.  Your guest internet portal should be user-friendly, device-agnostic, fully customizable and adhere to all local data privacy regulations.  Also: Your employees aren’t IT support specialists -- and restaurant operations are already tricky enough. Keep it simple and functional, with a vendor that provides responsive support for troubleshooting issues. When guests expect the internet, and the internet is not available, it can cause conflict with staff and become the focus of negative reviews. Avoid at all costs! Vendors to consider: Facebook offers free Wi-Fi to businesses; customers can access free Wi-Fi when they check into your business, giving them a perk and you an organic boost on the platform. Social WiFi offers a responsive and customizable internet portal that combines special offers, social logins, GDPR compliance with customer communication and marketing segmentation. SpotOn focuses on simplicity with multiple social logins, analytics, marketing, and reviews, as well as “controlled access” plans that allow you to restrict time spent, connection speed and data usage at the user level. Another popular option is CLOUD4WI’s Splash, which is used by many global brands to provide Wi-Fi and deepen relationships with customers.   SpotOn’s simple interface makes guest WiFi easy and attractive.   Reservations And Waitlists Reservations and waitlist management have always been a chokepoint. Thanks to OpenTable, many guests are accustomed to the convenience of online reservations. But this convenience comes at a cost to restaurants, and not just in the fees paid to these platforms: reservations are made but not canceled. No shows mean empty tables, frustrated staff and less revenue. Combine no shows with a long waitlist and you get angry guests wondering why it’s taking so long for a table when there are empty ones available.  Some POS systems may include these features but often come across as afterthoughts. With something that your staff and guests interact with often, pick a dedicated solution that’s easy-to-use for everyone. Most software also manages table assignments to keep servers happy and reduce conflict around who’s next in the rotation. What to look for: With cloud-based software, table management is easier than ever. Hosts can walk around the restaurant to manage table statuses in real-time -- so much better than pen and paper! Even better: with POS integration, table statuses will automatically update and eliminate the constant circulation of hosts.  It’s also possible to ditch the costly pagers. Most cloud-based options will send a text message to guests, which not only reduces pager loss but allows guests more room to roam while they wait. “Range anxiety” is real and it makes the wait feel longer when guests are tethered to the immediate vicinity.  Reduce your reliance on OpenTable and look for a vendor that links your reservations portal into Google search, Facebook, Instagram and TripAdvisor (as well as taking reservations on your website). Vendors to consider: HostMe has a neat way of reducing no shows: deposits and cancellation fees, all automatically debited when a guest no shows or cancels late. With SEVENROOMS, you can offer customizable reservation upgrades (chilled champagne on arrival? Of course!), store guest preferences and even share those preferences across multiple locations.  Yelp for Restaurants and OpenTable for Restaurants are appealing because they connect directly with these two most popular restaurant finders in the world (but you’ll still pay fees per cover). Your guests can send a text to join your waitlist with Waitwhile. There’s also Wisely and ResyOS which has adapted to COVID-19 by including capacity controls, curbside pickup management and remote waitlists.   Back Office And Inventory Management Accounting, bookkeeping and inventory management software may be the least sexy but most impactful software for your restaurant. It's how you keep track of your cash flows and monitor profitability, not to mention reduce overordering and theft. Running on instinct is never a good idea when it comes to inventory management. You should base orders on historical data and forecasted demand. The right software can take care of all of this for you so you’re balancing supply and demand. What to look for: Menu engineering! The only way to really know whether your menu is profitable is either manual menu costing via spreadsheet or to use software that inputs ingredient cost and calculates each item’s profit. Spreadsheets for cheapest but take a lot of time to manage. The software makes this process seamless and consistent, enhancing your profitability without sacrificing your chef’s sanity.  Vendors to consider:  apicbase centralizes your recipes, menus, kitchen training, food costs and inventory orders so you can see performance at a glance across all outlets. xtraCHEF has similar functionality, with an added focus on automating invoice management and making bookkeeping more precise. There’s also FoodNotify and Avero, which also offers business intelligence features. For accounting and bookkeeping, you can’t go wrong with Xero or Quickbooks for managing day-to-day bookkeeping and end-of-year accounting. Larger vendors such as Birchstreet, Long Range Systems and Adaco provide a full suite of tools that include key financial integrations, such as “procure to pay” that automates kitchen ordering and associated bookkeeping.   Employee Management And Payroll Even though it can be available within your POS, a standalone staff scheduling tool is helpful in the foodservice space and broader hospitality industry due to high labor costs. Your staff is going to want mobile access because not everyone has a computer at home. And they’ll need a simple way to trade shifts. As you likely already know, trading shifts is a manager’s nightmare. Staff should manage this on their own, and a POS-integrated solution isn’t the most reliable or user friendly. What to look for: In addition to smartphone support and shift trading, look for a staff scheduler that puts shift management at its core. Managers should have a hassle-free experience and be able to pull reports to identify potential labor overages. Small touches like color-coded shifts can make a major difference for managers starting at schedules all day. Vendors to consider: HotSchedules, 7shifts and Schedulefly are employee scheduling software specifically made for restaurants. Many POS also include these features, such as POSLavu and TouchBistro. For payroll (including managing tips, which tends to trip up traditional payroll software), look at Proliant and Kitchensync. ADP and Paychex have plenty of restaurant clients too.   Business Intelligence And Analytics Business intelligence and analytics software is a companion to your accounting software. Whereas accounting software tracks your financial data, your BI and analytics tool makes sense of your demand data to give you key insights around future forecasts and menu profitability.  What to look for: Most smaller operations are well-served by the reporting tools within most point-of-sale systems. For larger multi-unit operations, it makes sense to have a standalone tool that automatically pulls data from multiple sources into a centralized dashboard.  The most important considerations are that the business intelligence tool integrates with your entire tech stack and that its dashboards are easy to understand.  it does no good to have incomplete information presented poorly. Insights should be automated and actionable; otherwise, the investment isn’t worth it. Vendors to consider: Womply is really interesting, as it turns your POS data and revenue analytics into a powerful marketing tool across email, digital ads and online reviews. In addition to sales forecasting, Avero surfaces granular operational data, such as which servers sell the most and which menu items are most popular. For larger operations, Adaco combines business intelligence with accounts payable and accounting features.   Sales forecasts, server performance and menu profitability are a few of the insights unlocked by business intelligence software for restaurants. (Avero shown here).   Food Delivery Food delivery has been a growing part of the restaurant business for years. This trend has accelerated during the pandemic, as consumers reduce the frequency of restaurant visits and see contactless delivery as a safe way to order out.  Statista found that nearly 42% of respondents are likely to purchase food online amid the coronavirus pandemic. As demand shifted, more restaurants than ever before joined third-party platforms like GrubHub, Postmates and UberEats. While it's great to have an instant source of demand, the associated fees are significant costs that eat into already-thin margins.  For many restaurants, the cost is an adequate trade for not having to support in-house delivery. But for high-volume operations, such as pizza parlors,  fees can be a major issue. High-volume restaurants can boost profit margin dramatically by using food delivery tech to bring delivery in-house. This isn't feasible for every restaurant type, as it requires not just a technology investment but also an effective marketing strategy that drives demand directly to your platform rather than third parties. But when it works, in-house food delivery is lucrative. What to look for: If you're not going with a vendor that integrates food delivery management into your existing multichannel ordering system or POS, then it really comes down to integration. You want to minimize disruption as you deploy new technology. Your food delivery tech should keep your kitchen organized with reliable order tracking and make it hassle-free to assign drivers for each order.  You’ll also need accurate reporting to track driver tips and performance during each shift. Efficiency is one of the main values provided by third-party services. They are constantly updating their algorithms to assign drivers the most efficient route. However, third parties have a lot of other factors to consider, such as other orders in the queue. You'll have a leg up with delivery technology that optimizes routes so your drivers can get to your customers quickly and safely. Vendors to consider: HungerRush (mentioned earlier) supports delivery management, both for third-parties and in-house, with order taking, kitchen production, and driver routing for peak efficiency. The pizza category has a dedicated solution for delivery management and point-of-sale with Thrive POS, while breweries have a pickup and delivery solution with 2nd Kitchen 2Go. GetSwift’s delivery management software starts at $0.29 per delivery.     Restaurant Websites Your restaurant website is your calling card. You want it to be representative of your brand and put yourself in the best light possible. Your website should be modern and easy-to-use across devices so that people can find relevant information easily. What to look for: Your restaurant website should be secure and SEO-optimized, with a user-friendly design that supports online ordering, easy menu updates, and loyalty marketing. You also may want reservations and an e-commerce module for gift card purchases. Vendors to consider: For restaurant websites, look past Wix and Squarespace and go for vendors like that specialize in the unique needs of restaurants, such as BentoBox, Upmenu, Let’s Eat, FlavorPlate, or GloriaFood. If you’re more tech-savvy you could choose your own WordPress template or a custom website from a creative agency, but this may be too costly and time-intensive for most restaurateurs.   Loyalty Marketing You also need tools to manage your guest relationships so that you can market to your most loyal guests without having to constantly pay third-parties, such as OpenTable, to put butts in seats. These tools can be loyalty marketing platforms based on building rich guest profiles or they can be specialized tools, such as text message platforms for engaging past guests on their phones. Many ordering platforms also integrate loyalty into their products. This makes a lot of sense, as all transaction data already comes through the multichannel ordering platform and/or your point-of-sale system. You then get a holistic view of your customers so you can segment and target campaigns to specific profiles. Many reservation and waitlist management platforms also include loyalty marketing, so look at that category above for more ideas! Vendors to consider: Boostly is an automated text marketing system that drives incremental visits without much input on your end. Thanx uses credit card numbers to streamline loyalty earning and redemption. Fivestars is loyalty for smaller operations that don’t want the hassle of a standalone app or loyalty program. Mobivity combines loyalty marketing via SMS and mobile with robust analytics. The guest experience platform from SEVENROOMS adds loyalty marketing to its reservations/table management system so you can market to individual guests. For larger chains and bigger budgets, Stuzo and Astute leverage Big Data and AI into 1:1 marketing and automated campaigns. PosIQ uses your POS data alongside its “guest tracking” technology to personalize marketing at scale.     Get to know your guests so you can personalize the experience and market more effectively. (SEVENROOMS pictured here)  






酒店行业首屈一指的云财务和数据管理平台M3与餐饮收入管理软件公司Avero合作,使酒店经营者能够简化餐厅运营,并对其利润产生积极影响。目前,Avero维护了100多个与销售点(POS)、劳动力和工资系统的集成,提供了餐厅分析软件,可以增强M3数据,揭示服务器性能、劳动力和食品成本、收入管理等方面的强大见解。目前,M3整合了酒店市场上众多的物业管理解决方案。Avero&rsquo首席财务长托德·伦德尔(Todd Rendle)说。该合作伙伴关系允许M3将其系统集成扩展到50多个不同的食品和饮料销售点系统,从而提高数据质量和效率,以推动财务业绩。利用avero&B的集成和收益管理软件,M3客户可以运行各种成功的全企业计划,包括通过菜单工程增加利润,减少食品成本和浪费,以及提高服务器性能。M3客户还将能够将其后台办公平台与50多个F&B POS平台集成,包括Aloha、Micros 3700和Hosted Symphony。m3专门的集成团队还专注于积累可操作的数据,以帮助客户提高效率,通过减少手动输入和干预,最大化数据质量,改善客户体验,推动整体财务业绩。M3致力于通过技术推动酒店财务绩效,通过修改软件集成,允许通过电子方式获取PMS以外的额外收入流,M3正在扩展该行业的后台办公功能。3m公司的销售总监斯科特·沃森说。 Marketing Officer. “As M3’s customer base grows and diversifies, we will continue investing in and partnering with solutions like Avero to meet our customers’ specific needs and ensure our solutions consistently deliver to the highest of standards.” Access to Avero’s POS integrations and revenue management software can now be added to any customer subscription by contacting M3. M3’s customer base consists of more than 6,300 hotels, of which, more than half are among the top hotel management companies in the U.S., as ranked by Hotel Business.  




零售技术公司impulse Inc.为酒店行业提供基于云计算的销售点、自助服务亭解决方案和数据驱动的零售设计服务,该公司刚刚宣布进军豪华露营市场。这家总部位于丹佛的软件公司最近与几家豪华露营网站签约,并将很快在犹他州埃斯卡兰特开设其第一家豪华露营场的总店。“豪华野营”融合了魅力和露营,让游客在不牺牲家乡舒适和奢华的情况下体验世界上独特的地方。我们的使命是提供高档的自助零售,“在人们生活、工作、休闲、渴望的任何地方”;impulse的即插即用的零售解决方案和专业知识无缝地延伸到北美一些最受欢迎的豪华露营场所的露营综合商店。impulse的首席执行官Janine Williams说:“我们为有眼光的酒店客人设计独特而方便的自助零售服务,这使我们进军豪华露营地成为合乎逻辑的下一步。”“在露营地的综合商店中提供技术驱动的、精心策划的零售对任何一个渴望舒适和便利的豪华露营场所来说都是至关重要的,而业主们则在寻找经过验证的、有效的增量收入来源!”impulse的软件技术和收入结果为开发人员、业主和管理人员提供了一个易于实现的解决方案,旨在让露营地和来访的客人都受益。,




2018年2月12日-《酒店科技报告》将Tock评为raybet雷竞技ios下载2018年度最受好评的美食。Beverage Technology基于来自全球40多个国家的数千家酒店的数据。超过100个世界顶级酒店科技产品竞争赢得这个享有盛誉的头衔。hoteltechhawards平台(由HotelTechReport.com提供)利用真实的客户数据来确定最佳品种的产品,帮助酒店经营者提高利润。托克是整个酒店餐饮部客人和预订管理的游戏规则改变者。就像爱彼迎普及了体验运动一样,Tock不仅仅是制作优秀的预订软件,还允许酒店突出和销售更多的餐饮体验。最后,这增加了客人的平均支出,降低了库存成本,并解决了餐馆面临的最大问题之一——取消预订。《酒店科技raybet雷竞技ios下载报道》的乔丹·霍兰德说。2018年,托克将保持持续增长。酒店经营者们认识到Tock&rsquo令人印象深刻的投资回报,Tock&rsquo的投资回报率比同类酒店的平均回报率高出11%。 One Chicago based F&B manager calls Tock “game changing” software that “increases revenue, improves the guest experience and provides outstanding support.”  Another Philadelphia based Corporate Director of F&B Marketing Strategy for a national hotel company says that Tock helps them bring their hotel and restaurant properties to life through events and experiences. To read the full review and more, head to Tock's profile on Hotel Tech Report